Serviced my Roxor. Had 87 hours on the oil and 202 on the fuel filter. It was time. Good to go for a little while now. Last change I switched to valvoline premium blue. Previously I was running rotella T6 and like my semis the rotella has an odor from blow by on a fresh oil change It’s very distinguishable and although the engine is basically new it was present. On the semis it’s there on higher mileage engines. Since switching to valvoline premium blue that smell is gone. I also noticed my air filter had a noticeable spot on it from the breather tube venting into the filter housing when I ran rotella. granted I had more hours on the original filter when I saw this but it was much less noticeable when I swapped it out today. Could be the engine was still seating the rings on the rotella, I don’t know. All I know is I’m not running rotella again. From here on out it’s valvoline premium blue. Cummins endorses it and. That along with my experiences running it and I think it’s the oil of choice from now on. Now I’m low on fuel filters and out of air and oil filters so time to order more.