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  • Kake America
    Kake America reacted to Roxasuras's post in the thread Max’s Roxor Build with Like Like.
    Well anyone else thinking the same as me? The jeeps have their week ( don't get me wrong I love my CJ), why don't we start a Moab...
  • Kake America
    Kake America reacted to txroadkill's post in the thread Max’s Roxor Build with Like Like.
    They have a full size invasion. Toyota or Nissan or maybe both have events there too. back in my Jeep days I went out there for a...
  • Kake America
    Kake America reacted to Max A.'s post in the thread Max’s Roxor Build with Like Like.
    Great to hear from you guys. some of you have been around since the beginning! Roxsauras... My apologizes for not calling you back the...
  • Roxasuras
    Roxasuras reacted to txroadkill's post in the thread Max’s Roxor Build with Like Like.
    They have a full size invasion. Toyota or Nissan or maybe both have events there too. back in my Jeep days I went out there for a...
  • txroadkill
    txroadkill replied to the thread Max’s Roxor Build.
    They have a full size invasion. Toyota or Nissan or maybe both have events there too. back in my Jeep days I went out there for a...
  • Roxasuras
    Roxasuras replied to the thread Max’s Roxor Build.
    Well anyone else thinking the same as me? The jeeps have their week ( don't get me wrong I love my CJ), why don't we start a Moab...
  • txroadkill
    txroadkill replied to the thread Max’s Roxor Build.
    I’m definitely down for a Moab run.
  • Wilburr
    Wilburr reacted to Wm435's post in the thread What’s this with Like Like.
    You still did wonderful on what you paid, and what it came with. I'd seriously check every bolt you can reach, check the levels of ALL...
  • jrobz23
    jrobz23 reacted to Max A.'s post in the thread Max’s Roxor Build with Like Like.
    Great to hear from you guys. some of you have been around since the beginning! Roxsauras... My apologizes for not calling you back the...
  • Roxasuras
    Roxasuras replied to the thread Max’s Roxor Build.
    I plan on going back to Moab again every year. I'm definitely in. If you do a coal crawl let me know and I'll help spread the good word...
  • Roxasuras
    Roxasuras reacted to Max A.'s post in the thread Max’s Roxor Build with Like Like.
    Great to hear from you guys. some of you have been around since the beginning! Roxsauras... My apologizes for not calling you back the...
  • B
    Bob R1 replied to the thread Synthetic Winch Line.
    We are having some Fire Issues, but so far nothing huge or extremely serious around my area. I do have my 25 Gallon Tank and Spray Lines...
  • B
    Bob R1 replied to the thread Max’s Roxor Build.
    I am glad to see that you are back also. I had just mentioned in the last couple weeks on someones post that I wish you were back...
  • Max A.
    Max A. reacted to Roxasuras's post in the thread Max’s Roxor Build with Like Like.
    Are you doing the coal crawl this year?
  • Max A.
    Max A. reacted to Roxasuras's post in the thread Max’s Roxor Build with Like Like.
    Well done Max.