Had a great time of it with 55 other jeeps and suvs' Went to Juniper dunes in eastern Washington near Pasco.
Being the only Roxor there it was fun to pull 7 suv and jeeps out that were stuck on hills. Used the winch line, but not the winch. Just payed out enough line to reach them and backed up. I changed out the tires to some good atv tires, 10x30x15. Worked well in the sand and great on the highway also. Did air down to 10lbs, but hardly noticeable with the light weight of the roxor.
Mine is chipped to over 100hp and didn't struggle at all. Most of the route was handled in 3rd gear, hills and all. in the soft sand it will spin all 4 with ease in 3rd low. So glad I was able to get the 2019 before the changes. Lots of folks a bit puzzled listing to a quiet diesel keeping up with the lifted, high money rigs. One fellow had a blazer lifted, 40in tires, one ton axles, 5.7 engine. It really romped with all that suspension, it was fast, but as you know slow and steady wins the race. And with the George Washingtons that he had in that rig compared to the roxor, oh well.
I did clock mine at 84mph with gps one time only on a flat straight stretch. I've had the sxs's in the past and got rid of them for this rig. So thakful for a fun rig that will last a lifetime if taken care of.
Might add, I live in Washington st now.