5 August 2024
I started the day finishing up wiring the Switches for the Wiper, Rear Light Bar, and Interior Lights. When I install a Front Light Bar, I will need to swap out the factory Mahindra switch for a new one matching the ones that I just installed. They are Both Back Lit, as well as have a Lighted Indicator showing the switch is on.
I wired up a Ground Bar under the Drivers side of the dash. I had several Neutral Wires between the Switch Neutrals, Flasher Neutral, I Grounded the Truck Lite 900 Switch to make sure that the Indicators would Light Up. I also ran the Neutrals for the Front Turn Signals back to this ground bar. Both Ground bars were connected to the Battery with a #10 Wire.
Then I got a call, and had to go in to work for Half a Day.
I Bolted the Roof back down, and resecured the Rear Bulk Head Window section, which I had loosened up to install Zip Ties around the Roll Bars.
I installed a section of 1/2" Smurf Tube "Blue Plastic Flexible Conduit" from the under hood area behind the ECU all the way to the back bumper for the Drivers Side Tail Light Wiring. I installed the wire and hooked it to the Truck Lite 900 Switch Wiring. I will hook up the wiring to the Brown Tail Light Factory Wiring tomorrow morning at the Tire Shop. My plan is to have the Back Drivers side Tire removed, and work on the wiring with Rocky on a lift. While I am doing this, I plan to have the Wheel Stops adjusted out for more travel.
I wired up the Truck Lite 900 Turn Signal Switch. The only slight issue was cutting and reconnection the wires to the Brown Brake Light Wire. Not much slack, and a little tough to get to. The cut wire is connected to the Truck Lite switch wiring. Gray with Black Stripe hooks to the Brake Switch end of the wire the Black Wire powers up the Passenger Side Rear Tail Light. I did not connect the Flasher Power to the Green Brake Switch wire as shown in the On The Rocks Instructions. Instead I ran a Power Wire from the Auxiliary Power Panel to power it up.
I finished wiring the Outlet on the Rear Bulk Head.
I also installed the Tie Points on the Bulk Head to secure my 25 Gallon Sprayer.
I checked the Lighting this evening as it got dark. The Rock Light on the Roll Bar, and the second one under the dash worked out very well.
The Rear Light Bar is going to put out about the perfect amount of light to see behind the Roxor.
The Wiper Works

I will now need to replace the Wiper Blade.
I finished up cleaning Rocky out, and reinstalling the Seats.
Bob R