New member
First longer ride for the new Roxor today. My wife and I drove up to to top of Logan Peak (just under 10,000'). 14 miles from our driveway to the trailhead, 14 miles from the trailhead to the peak. 56 miles roundtrip, 4 hours total, should have been 3.5 hours; we had a .5 hour traffic delay coming down the canyon due to an accident. The Roxor performed without a hitch! Lot's of people wondering and asking what it was. I can't say enough about Diesel Freaks Stage 1 Flash. This thing will crawl over anything! Break-in is complete (343 miles) so it's time to change the oil and filter. She's running really strong! I have great confidence in it already. Here are a couple of pics from the peak. Still have smoke from the California fires.