My TWO Cents
THE TUNE was way more important on the older models with 3.73 gears. The added horse power let them run better at highway speed (55 MPH+). The speed limiter was eliminated, and an increase to 120 HP let them run much faster, what's not to love.
Fast forward to 2024. We now have 5.38 gears as the only option. Great for Off Road and County Road's, not so great for State Highways with 55 or over Speed Limits. You can only run so fast with 5.38 gears due to Engine Maximum RPM's. THE TUNE will not let you go any faster, because you still have the same maximum RPM issues. I plan on my Roxor lasting forever. Blowing up the engine over revving it is not on my list of things to do.
Add 235/85R16 Tires and you gain approximately 10% on your speed. Very Good Plan for added speed as well as flat protection. This size tire fits just fine. I have also had my Wheel Stops adjusted to maximum so it turns tighter.
My 2024 had 235/85R16, 10 PLY M&S Tires installed when it was still Brand NEW. I drive my Roxor to work from approximately 15 miles out. I run on gravel a few miles, cut across to another gravel road on approximately one mile of state highway. Down the gravel approximately 3 miles the County Road turns to Blacktop (40-45 MPH Max Blacktop, not 55+ MPH Blacktop). With the 5.38 gears and 235/85R16 Tires I never get the Speedometer over 45 MPH Maximum. I normally stay between 40 and 42 MPH on the speedometer. ADD 10% for the Tire Height Increase in speed and I am normally doing (Speedometer Reading 42 MPH + 4 MPH = 46 MPH Actual Speed). I am totally OK with this. I have three County UTV Stickers as well as one City UTV Sticker. Driving very little on any State Highway with traffic, I can live with 45-50 MPH maximum speed. I live in a rural area, and I drive my Roxor all over, and it does just fine. Where I live we have Amish Buggies to watch for on Letter Roads as well as Deer. I seldom get passed when driving on a Letter Road, as no one else is driving over 50 MPH either, if they have any sense.
Another consideration. The Locker is a very popular add on for the Roxor. If you drive on black top much at all, the Locker is a real pain. With a Locker Installed Drivability is really an issue in town. You have Parking Stalls, and Tight Turns where you need to apply power when turning. You can only coast around corners so much in town. Power on a tight turn is not a good thing on hard surfaces with a Locker installed. My advice is to "not install" a Locker if you drive in town much at all. I am seriously considering taking my Torq Locker out, due to city driving. For your application (Snow Plow) you might look into a Locker in front with Locking Hubs. Do some research on plowing with a front locker.
When THE TUNE is available for the 2.7 I will consider having it installed. However another consideration is how clean the engine runs as is. I can not tell my Roxor is a Diesel other than filling the tank with Diesel Fuel. No Smoke, and No Diesel Fuel Exhaust Smell at all. I get 26-27 MPG every time I check the fuel mileage. So far I have not needed any additional Horse Power.
The Bottom Line is, I am perfectly happy with how my stock Roxor runs, on the roads that I can legally operate it on.
If you are planning on going down a highway at 50 PLUS miles per hour, you better plan on a gear change, THE TUNE will not make that happen.
Bob R