
2023 Wont Start

Grump Fish

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Feb 15, 2020
Boyce, LA, USA
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Good morning everyone. I hope your holidays were good.

I have been searching the forum and other places on the internet for help on an issue I have been having on my 2023 with the 2.7L. A few months ago I started having trouble starting it if it sat for a few days. I thought the fuel system was loosing prime or maybe a check valve in the fuel pump assembly was sticking. The engine cranks over fine but no evidence of fuel from the exhaust. When it finaly cranks, it runs fine. and will re-crank easily.

Now I cant get it to start at all. I checked the prime on the fuel system by loostening the vent plug on the filter and pumping some fuel out. I am starting to think it is something electrical not allowing fuel to flow to the injectors.

Have any of you had similar problems and found a solution? I hate to take it to the dealership if it is something I can fix myself.

Grump Fish

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Here is a Link for a Repair Manual

Thank you very much. I'll do some digging in that to see of I can find anything.

Crazy thing is, I have not been able to get it started for a week tinkering on fuel stuff. I was running my mower to chop up the last of the pecan leaves this afternoon and decided to try it again, it cranked right up! I moved it to another place in the yard and an hour later, it didnt want to start again. I put it in neutral and the emergency brake on, tried again and it started. I suspect this is coincidence, but definitely has me scratching my head.


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I always start with the easy stuff first because I'm dumb. Maybe you got a bad tank of diesel, or water in the diesel or the fuel filter is plugged? Rats nest in your airbox? Rats chewed on your wiring harness? Sorry, rats are on my brain because I found a field mouse had made a nest under the hood of my Ram and now I'm paranoid...

Grump Fish

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I always start with the easy stuff first because I'm dumb. Maybe you got a bad tank of diesel, or water in the diesel or the fuel filter is plugged? Rats nest in your airbox? Rats chewed on your wiring harness? Sorry, rats are on my brain because I found a field mouse had made a nest under the hood of my Ram and now I'm paranoid...
I will look around some more at the things you mentioned. One possibility is that the diesel is very old. I thought about siphoning the tank out and adding some fresh fuel but my hose wouldnt go into the tank. Might have to disconnect the hose at the tank and get a hose in there to pump it out. That might not be it, but Im sure it could use some fresh fuel.


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I would definitely check out page 267 and on in the manual. Page 282 explains how to purge the air from the system. Maybe start at the fuel filter first before deciding to purge the tank. You can see what the fuel looks like.

Remember the items needed to start an engine are, Fuel, Oxygen, and Ignition.


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I will look around some more at the things you mentioned. One possibility is that the diesel is very old. I thought about siphoning the tank out and adding some fresh fuel but my hose wouldnt go into the tank. Might have to disconnect the hose at the tank and get a hose in there to pump it out. That might not be it, but Im sure it could use some fresh fuel.
First off, when was the fuel filter last changed? And second skip the idea of sticking a hose in your tank to drain it. You have a plug in the bottom of the tank for this purpose. you could always pull the plug and drain it in a clear bottle. Be sure to get what comes out first, in other words don’t pull it and let it drain for awhile before catching what comes out. Best to let the Roxor sit overnight where you’re gonna drain it. This way the water, if any, is settled at the bottom and your sure to see it in your clear bottle when draining. If you don’t see water you can probably skip bad fuel as the reason for your starting issues. Also it doesn’t mean your filter isn‘t plugged. I had to swap the primary filter on my cabover the other week. Only had like 8000 miles on it but bobtail on the hills I was loosing power and my boost was going from 12 to 9 and back. Sounded crazy when it was fluttering. Swapped filters at a truckstop (always carry extras). And power was back and boost even higher. I was starving for fuel. not Sure if the 2.7 has the in tank electric lift pump. I don’t think they do. But my lift pump went out or rather weak in my Roxor. Pump still came on and pumped but didn’t have the psi needed to actually start the engine. A new pumped and I was back up and running. So you may very well just have a plugged filter causing the same issue.

Grump Fish

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First off, when was the fuel filter last changed? And second skip the idea of sticking a hose in your tank to drain it. You have a plug in the bottom of the tank for this purpose. you could always pull the plug and drain it in a clear bottle. Be sure to get what comes out first, in other words don’t pull it and let it drain for awhile before catching what comes out. Best to let the Roxor sit overnight where you’re gonna drain it. This way the water, if any, is settled at the bottom and your sure to see it in your clear bottle when draining. If you don’t see water you can probably skip bad fuel as the reason for your starting issues. Also it doesn’t mean your filter isn‘t plugged. I had to swap the primary filter on my cabover the other week. Only had like 8000 miles on it but bobtail on the hills I was loosing power and my boost was going from 12 to 9 and back. Sounded crazy when it was fluttering. Swapped filters at a truckstop (always carry extras). And power was back and boost even higher. I was starving for fuel. not Sure if the 2.7 has the in tank electric lift pump. I don’t think they do. But my lift pump went out or rather weak in my Roxor. Pump still came on and pumped but didn’t have the psi needed to actually start the engine. A new pumped and I was back up and running. So you may very well just have a plugged filter causing the same issue.
Thanks Tx. I will go by the dealership and pick up a new filter. I did not know there is a drain in the tank, I'll have to try to locate it. Based on the lack of wires going to the top of the tank, I do not think it has the lift pump like my 2019 does.
I was thinking bad fuel or a filter issue, but when it starts, it runs fine. Could still be that though since the fuel is over a year old. I hardly drive the 2023. It only has 18 miles on it.


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I’d try filter first. Like I said with my plugged filter on a big cam Cummins it would start and run. Then in a hill when demand goes up it was like the engine was shutting down. Boost would instantly drop then enough fuel would get thru and it went back up. Then fell again. Previously i Felt a delay while accelerating and I thought maybe I had a pump issue or boost leak. It was intermittent. But Nope just a plugged filter, a very simple fix. i had also ran some tank cleaner I think when I first got the truck. So I assume it worked and the gunk went to the filter. Something similar may be going on with yours. Perhaps algae? Maybe even some trash from factory. I believe the 2.5s had a rather short filter life on the factory filters. 18 miles isn’t much, but what about the hours? Tank drain is in the bottom of the tank in the middle. Literally lie underneath and look straight up. Can’t miss it.


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I will look around some more at the things you mentioned. One possibility is that the diesel is very old. I thought about siphoning the tank out and adding some fresh fuel but my hose wouldnt go into the tank. Might have to disconnect the hose at the tank and get a hose in there to pump it out. That might not be it, but Im sure it could use some fresh fuel.
Old diesel isn't your problem, unless it has water in it. Then really you have a water in fuel problem. Draining the filter should remove that water. Draining the tank is a bit tougher, but you could start by siphoning what you can out. Be sure to put the hose at the bottom to suck up any water that may be there.

I would bet you are losing prime. Typicle when temps drop. Orings shrink and air gets in. When it warms up, the problems go away. When attempting to pressurize the fuel system to find the leak, they tend to seal due to the pressure. I would start by tightening the connections and maybe start at the fuel filter housing. Even try replacing the seals.


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If the fuel looks good have the battery checked for cca. It may not have enough amps when starting a cold engine, but enough when the engine is warmed up. Free test at many auto part stores