Depends what parts you're thinking about. It's a difficult question to answer. Drive up to St Cloud and buy
@Longslyde rig. It's more than I have into mine but it's much more better. He did exactly what I would've done if I had the skills and a shop. I do most of my work on the gravel driveway.
There's simultaneous a lot and not much from a jeep that will bolt up. It's complicated in that hood hinges and door hinges have the same pattern and jeep hood hinges make great roxor door hinges but the tub has different dimensions so the doors don't work, gotta be roxor doors or homemade. How enclosed do you want it? If you want it like mine where wind/dust/water intrusion doesn't bother you then you can use jeep windshield frames but they're a bit short I think. if you want it more like a car where you can turn it off and button it up in a sideways raining storm and not get wet or feel/hear wind then you better plan on big bucks for a full enclosure from a single manufacturer.
What do you intend to do with yours? Mines a trail rig for easy to medium trails for now. I want a lunchbox up front with manual hubs and an air locker in the rear but that's not likely this decade so I'll stay on the easy stuff.
Absolutely nothing drivetrain/power train should be expected to be plug and play.
I believe jeep tail lights bolt right up, not sure about the wiring.
I have a crappy lexan folding windshield I've had on it for 4 years strapped to the folding windshield frame that takes cj glass. It is not a jeep frame. Obviously air/water intrusion aren't a concern of mine.