
Want to buy and title in Arkansas


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Dec 23, 2024
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I am a hunter and getting too old for a 4 wheeler. I want a new ROXOR but want to drive it to the woods. I know there is a kit to make it street legal but want to title and plate it in Arkansas. Does anyone know where to start?

Bob R1

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I am from South Central Missouri, so I cannot help on the Arkansas Title, however welcome aboard.
Hopefully someone who has a handle on Arkansas will chime in soon.

Bob R


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It's most likely going to depend on your state's laws regarding the street registration of OHVs. Does Arkansas allow OHVs to be registered for use on the road? Where I live (Utah), we can operate OHVs on the roadways, to include state highways, as long as you plate it as an on-road OHV. Utah requires a state inspection for turn signals, horn, lights, brake lights, etc., to register on-road. Federal highways and interstates are not permitted, although pretty much as long as you stay off the interstate, it's rarely enforced.

Oh, and welcome!


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27-21-106. Operation on public streets and highways unlawful — Exceptions — Definition.​

(a) It is unlawful for a person to operate an all-terrain vehicle on a public street or highway of this state, even if the all-terrainvehicle otherwise meets the equipment standards of § 27-20-104, except under the following conditions and circumstances:
(1) A person may operate an all-terrain vehicle on a public street or highway if the all-terrainvehicle is:
(A) Used in farming or hunting operations; and
(B) Operated on a public street or highway in order to get from one field to another;
(A) An all-terrainvehicle may be operated on a public street or highway if:
(i) The all-terrain vehicle needs to make a direct crossing of the street or highway to get from one area to another; and
(ii) The all-terrainvehicle:
(a) Comes to a complete stop before making the direct crossing;
(b) Yields the right-of-way to all oncoming traffic that constitutes an immediate hazard; and
(c) Crosses the street or highway at an angle of approximately ninety degrees (90°) to the direction of the street or highway.
(i) An all-terrain vehicle may cross a divided highway only at an intersection of the highway with another public street or highway.
(ii) In crossings made between the hours from one-half (½) hour after sunset to one-half (½) hour before sunrise or in conditions of reduced visibility, the crossing may be made only with both front and rear lights turned on;
(A) A person who has lost one (1) or both legs above the ankle or who otherwise has a serious walking disability is permitted to operate a three-wheeled, four-wheeled, or six-wheeled all-terrainvehicle as a means of transportation on any of the following:
(i) A nonhard-surfaced road;
(ii) The shoulder of a state or federal highway, except as provided under subdivision (a)(3)(E) of this section; or
(iii) A public street or road when traveling on the public street or road is the most reasonable route of access available to him or her from one off-road trail to another off-road trail or from his or her private property to an off-road trail.
(B) An all-terrain vehicle used as provided under subdivision (a)(3)(A) of this section by a person who has a serious walking disability shall be equipped with a red flag at least six inches (6″) wide and twelve inches (12″) long on a pole or staff extending at least thirty-six inches (36″) above the level of the seat.
(C) For the purposes of this subdivision (a)(3), “serious walking disability” means any walking disability certified as serious by a licensed physician.
(D) A person operating an all-terrain vehicle as provided under subdivision (a)(3)(A) of this section shall carry on his or her person or on the all-terrain vehicle the physician's certificate certifying that the person has a serious walking disability.
(E) A person operating an all-terrain vehicle as provided under subdivision (a)(3)(A) of this section shall not operate the all-terrain vehicle on any part of the interstate highway system or on a fully controlled access highway;
(A) An on-duty law enforcement officer or a person performing an official law enforcement function may operate an all-terrain vehicle on a public street or highway.
(B) A municipal on-duty firefighter or a person performing an official firefighting function may operate an all-terrain vehicle on a public street or highway.
(C) An on-duty emergency medical technician or a person performing an official emergency medical technician function may operate an all-terrain vehicle on a public street or highway;
(5) An employee or agent of a utility, telecommunications, or cable company may operate an all-terrainvehicle on a public street or highway while he or she is:
(A) Performing a function directly related to the operation of the utility, telecommunications, or cable company; or
(B) Working during a time of emergency or severe weather; and
(6) An employee of the Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism may operate a department-owned all-terrain vehicle on a public street or highway to access contiguous areas of a state park in order to perform his or her duties as an employee of the department.
(b) When two (2) or more all-terrain vehicles are operating together on a public street or highway as permitted under this chapter, each all-terrain vehicle shall operate in single file except while overtaking another all-terrain vehicle. The operator of an all-terrain vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass at a safe distance to the left until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. This subsection shall not prohibit an operator of an all-terrain vehicle from overtaking and passing upon the right another vehicle that is making or about to make a left turn if the overtaking and passing is accomplished in accordance with Arkansas law.


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Jul 1, 2024
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Arkansas Vehicle Codes​

Historic or Special Interest Vehicles (Assembled)​

A.C.A. § 27-15-2201 Definition​

A.C.A. § 27-15-2202 Registration​

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Feb 6, 2019
Dover, AR, USA
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I am a hunter and getting too old for a 4 wheeler. I want a new ROXOR but want to drive it to the woods. I know there is a kit to make it street legal but want to title and plate it in Arkansas. Does anyone know where to start?
Check out a company called I believe they are out of Florida.


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Dec 23, 2024
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At most from Hot Springs to Monticello. Maybe 100 miles one way. Likely trailer it there most but not all times. Would like to also drive it around town.