My brother in law, who turned us on to Roxors, mentioned that he had a set of Warns that he wasn’t using. Took him up on his generous offer and installed them the other day. Pretty easy. I did not remove the wheel. Loosened and removed some of the hub nuts in order to get the center cap off. Not too hard to do. The hub was stuck on with paint. The splines were pretty dry so I greased them. You really need circlip plier to do the job. When installing the hub, after you get it seated, I tightened it down. This allowed for the installation of the circlip. I found that they had to be tightened down in order to get the circlip on. I noticed that it seems to turn a bit tighter now that the hubs are installed. The look pretty cool too. At a recent event, a guy came over to check out the little beast and he was shocked to see Warn hubs on a utv. What a generous BIL i have!