I swear by the OEM heater ($349 from your dealer) and I am sure there are those that will disagree with me, so this is just my opinion for my Roxor and information for those looking for a heater.
The heater is plumbed direct, no T or Y fittings, and the Roxor is pre-wired for it and if you add the defrost kit, you don’t have to cut your dash up for the install. The whole install can be done in around an hour or 2. It also comes complete, so no running around for fittings, clamps, hose, wiring or a switch to fit the dash . The new Roxors also have the holes pre-drilled in the fire wall (6 hole heater, same unit).
Here’s a clip of the heater. Air temp around 165F and core around 190F. This was running down the road with the outside temperature just a few degrees below freezing.
Yes, you can buy a heater for cheaper, but by time you get all the parts needed for install and get it in, I didn’t think it was worth the few bucks I'd save, so I went this route and glad I did. My time is worth something and I really don’t think you can get a cleaner install. Once it is in, you don’t even know it’s there other than the defrost kit, which can easily be removed if not needed.
I have an install video of the original single speed heater on my Youtube page. They have since upgraded it to a 2 speed. I only use Hi and LO, so I'm sure that would be sufficient for most.
The heater is plumbed direct, no T or Y fittings, and the Roxor is pre-wired for it and if you add the defrost kit, you don’t have to cut your dash up for the install. The whole install can be done in around an hour or 2. It also comes complete, so no running around for fittings, clamps, hose, wiring or a switch to fit the dash . The new Roxors also have the holes pre-drilled in the fire wall (6 hole heater, same unit).
Here’s a clip of the heater. Air temp around 165F and core around 190F. This was running down the road with the outside temperature just a few degrees below freezing.
Yes, you can buy a heater for cheaper, but by time you get all the parts needed for install and get it in, I didn’t think it was worth the few bucks I'd save, so I went this route and glad I did. My time is worth something and I really don’t think you can get a cleaner install. Once it is in, you don’t even know it’s there other than the defrost kit, which can easily be removed if not needed.
I have an install video of the original single speed heater on my Youtube page. They have since upgraded it to a 2 speed. I only use Hi and LO, so I'm sure that would be sufficient for most.