New member

It's been a long time since I joined a forum
but here I am. I've looked at Roxors ever since I saw one in Lubbock Texas quite a few years ago but I could never quite pull the trigger on one. Well that changed a couple of months back. I found a little blue 2018 sweetie in Cypress Texas for what I considered to be a reasonable price and it...

Just finished adding my lights
This is the latest I've done with the Roxor. I kinda like it. I hadn't finished tidying up the wires under the dash at the time of the pic but they are all nice and tight now.

So far, these are my only posts about my Roxor so now it's time to add another.
As it states, I've started the hard cab build. I have the rear finished. Yes, it's wood, just like the top. I'll have it lineX'ed. It worked really well on my "temporary" top so now it's all going to be permanent. I'll start sides and doors next weekend.. BTW, that is a plain old aluminum single hung storm window installed upside down so the 'upper' pane will slide down. Worked real nice and not too expensive.
Total cost so far...About $500 and I have all the lumber. I need side windows, (deer blind sliders) door latches and hinges. About another 2 to 3 hundred. Sure beats the multi thousand dollars ready built