
First Oil Change Contradictions in Manual


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Sep 17, 2020
Roxor Ownership
Roxor Owner

We got our Roxor about a month ago, and I read in the manual (in the Maintenance Schedule page 52) to do the first oil change (break-in) at 50 hrs or 1500
miles. So I changed it at 50 hrs, and it had about 250 miles on it. The oil still looked really clean on the dipstick, and it hadn't noticeably used any oil. I went ahead and changed it anyway since that's what the manual stated. I was glad I did because there was some metal on the magnetic plug.

However, I was reading in the manual today (page 39) that the break in period is 10 hours or 300 miles, and that it is recommended to change the oil and filter at
whichever interval comes first.

Ten hours seems awfully soon to me. Most diesel equipment I have been around has a first (break-in) oil change at 50, 100, or even 200 hours, so 50 hours made sense
when I saw that in the Maintenance Schedule.

I had a little bit of a sinking spell when I saw that it might have needed changing at 10 hrs. Especially when I saw the metal particles on the plug.
The engine runs great, though. Starts right up, and has plenty of power. And, like I said before, the oil was clean and nearly clear before I changed it.
It hadn't even started to turn black on the dipstick. Also, the steel wool filter that is in the top of the oil filler cap (that filters the crankcase pressure before it
goes into the air cleaner) was clean as a whistle.

This brings up some questions-

1. Is that a misprint in the manual? Is the first oil change supposed to be at 10 hrs or 50 hrs?
2. Have I hurt anything by waiting until 50 hrs to change the oil? I tend to lean towards no, but I'm no mechanic.
3. To those that have done multiple oil changes, have you seen the metal shavings on the plug decrease with subsequent changes? There was a pretty good coating
of metal that I wiped off before I reinstalled the plug.

Thanks in advance for any insight into this.

Oct 8, 2020
Sharon Springs, NY, USA
Roxor Ownership
Roxor Owner
Metal on the plug is normal IMO even after break in. I’ve seen small amounts on drain plugs on vehicles with 50k. 10 hours seems to me to be a bit low for a change, I’m not sure how you could even get 300 miles in 10 hours unless it is all open terrain driving. I’m planning on 300 miles for my first change regardless of hours (most of my use is low speed trails on my propertie).


The first change is supposed to be a 10 hours or first tank of fuel. The manual is poorly written on that point. I doubt if you hurt anything.

I change my oil every 5000 kilometres now. Easy to remember for me 5,000, 10,000 and coming up on 15,000 on the odometer.


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Oct 30, 2020
Plymouth UT, USA
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Do you stick with oil Mahindra says or have you branched out. I'm a Amsoil dealer and right away plan on switching everything out and running 0w40 in the engine. Changing out everything to the good stuff. Just can't figure out the oil filter to Amsoil or wix